Responsible Disclosure

Every IT-system may have bugs and weaknesses. Some of them are prone to harm integrity, privacy and availability of our services. Thus, it is of utter importance to manage these findings in a responsible way.

The following disclosure policy attends to the potentially given issue.

One of our main objectives is to stay in constructive dialogue with you to discuss, confirm and resolve the findings.
Should you encounter such issues in context to and with our websites, products or services, please feel free to inform us using the following address:

Please provide us with sufficient technical information about your finding.

For instance:
If you contact us concerning an issue we will do the following:
We ask you to respect the following:

Do you have questions?

Our recruiter Sarah will guide you through the entire application process. If you have any questions or concerns, you can simply contact her by phone or email. We look forward to meeting you!

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Do you have any questions?
Sarah Schlimm
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